So I have been deficient. One of my goals is to show you the incredible range of entertainment that is available in St. Louis, and I had promised a periodic post about shows and concerts I have seen here. But my last such post was in October. This is a catch-up post–and for those of

Ordinarily I don’t blog about decisions in cases where I or my firm represented a party. But this decision seems to have slipped through West’s fingers, so I’ll include it here with minimal commentary in case it may be of use to someone.

In this federal decision from the Western District of Missouri, the plaintiff

Wystan Ackerman has a post about an interesting class action situation: If you succeed in knocking out the named plaintiff in a putative class action because his claim was not timely, can a new plaintiff with a timely claim intervene in that suit to preserve the putative class’s statute of limitations period from the time

Increasingly companies are investing in environmental sustainability, reducing their greenhouse gas emissions, making their production facilities and distribution systems more energy efficient, and otherwise conserving vital resources like water. Sometimes companies purchase “credits” to offset things like greenhouse gas emissions. And often they work with private organizations that evaluate a company’s efforts and issue a

Last week I attended the ABA’s National Class Actions Institute in Chicago. If you weren’t there, you really missed out. The annual Institute is one of the few CLE programs with attendance that is evenly divided between the Plaintiff and Defense bars. The presenters are all at the top of their game, and their candor

I am always reminding my students that there is more than one way to make an argument, and if you are foreclosed from one route, you can always take another. For example, how do you defend against class claims brought by people who have not suffered any real injury? Most people initially would say “challenge

When I announced to my NYC friends that I was moving to St. Louis in 2013, one of them asked, “What do they do for entertainment in St. Louis? Cow tipping?”

In reality, I attend many more cultural events living in St. Louis than I did in NYC. Working in BigLaw, I would never have

A few weeks ago I presented at the Dowd Bennett attorneys’ retreat on the topic of Recent Developments in Class Action Litigation. My firm has a Denver office, which fortunately hosted our retreat in Vail just as the leaves were at their autumnal best. Because those incredible vistas were behind me as I spoke, I

“I had a farm in Africa . . .”

Well, not quite. But about twelve years ago, I had a blog on the LexBlog platform. It was a mouthful: Some of you know me from there. And my Wheaten Terrier, Ted E. Bear, who made regular appearances on the blog. And my random photos